
for growth

«The Egersund region provides excellent prospects for those seeking
good job opportunities, living conditions, and housing options

Anne Vigdis Ellingsen, CEO, Eigersund Næring og Havn

Find out more about the Egersund region and its business partners. Get the latest updates on opportunities in the region.

What is the Egersund region?

Businesses and the municipality have collaborated to generate new jobs and drive population growth in the Egersund region.


Get the latest updates on opportunities in the region. The articles in this section is in norwegian.


Together with partners from the business sector and municipalities, the Egersund region works to attract workforce and increase knowledge about living and housing opportunities in the region.

Read more about job opportunities and vacant positions in the Egersund region.

Les mer om jobbmuligheter
og ledige stillinger
i Egersundregionen

Read more about housing options and see available properties in the Egersund region.

Les mer om bomuligheter
og se ledige boliger
i Egersundregionen

Read more about leisure opportunities for both adults and children in the Egersund region

Les mer om fritidsmulighetene
for store og små i Egersundregionen

Les mer om jobbmuligheter og ledige stillinger i Egersundregionen

Les mer om bomuligheter og se ledige boliger i Egersundregionen

Les mer om fritidsmulighetene for store og små i Egersundregionen